Friday, May 15, 2009

Love, Sex or Commitment…

Affinal relationships are not the best u can have between a boy and a girl..neither is marriage, for that matter, the best of institutions. What does one commits towards then…

Oh wait! it’s not the institutions or relation one commits to, it’s the person. Well its not, its yourself u commit to, your life, the way u want to live it the way u want to end it; everything (and everyone) just fits in to your selective prolonged amnesia.

So watz the brouhaha about, go ahead live your life & let everyone else live theirs. Am I asking you to go on a series of uncorrelated, mind-boggling, life-altering unprotected sexual expeditions? No. Am I asking u to try the milder versions; of one night stands. No. So, are ONS bad thing!! Not at all. Neither is casual sex they say, if u take it casually...

All I am saying that why when by the time u reach mental puberty you have had this enlightenment already, do u look for commitment(in the conventional sense). Why when u can & have the opportunity to “live ur life”, that you don’t go for it.

Y do u have to go on a quest…..when u know that the ones are right there, always been there….ignoring them? Or otherwise y do u stick to the same ones & dnt move on despite knowing that the “world” is out there? Why at times do u do both these simultaneously? Why do u do both these simultaneously, with commitment and with well eh! Sex ?

Is it society, morals, values eh !! that comes up a lot, fear, proximity ;), wat binds u.

Well, it I guess is again yourself, using every other possible excuse to stop, trying to ignore the fact that u have taken over your social being and not the other way round

Y is it that when u get the biggest aaaaaaawwww in ur heart just by touching sumone , the shiver huger than whn u lost ur cherry, the warmth of that hug more than your mom’s lap, the motivation to do something more than whn u cracked a stupid entrance, do u not go for it….

what the fuck are u waiting for ?